It was quite striking to see how this conference grew. IEEE RFID has received 175 submissions whereof 47 had been accepted and presented in three tracks.
Secondly, he mentioned reader zone confiment as a major research challenges. Today, it still is the number one reason for end-users users to give up with RFID when they do not manage to only read tags in the intended zone instead of random others due to artifacts stemming from the environment, e.g. reflection.
There was an interesting presentation about the development of a 2.4Ghz tag readable by a mobile phone's antenna [3]. This work really broadened the perspective of reading UHF and HF tags as we have discussed earlier [4] and even allows to remotely power sensors sitting on the passive tag by the emitting mobile phone. This work is part of the EU project Mimosa.
Another remarkable paper was presented by Rahul Bahattacharyya from the Auto-ID Lab at MIT and was about how to use RFID tags to sense displacement [5]: the basic idea is to place a metal plate in front of an RFID tag attenuating its power backscatter. The paper proves the idea in an experimental set-up by showing the monotonical relationship between power backscatter and distance from tag to the metal plate.
Another paper, awarded with the best-paper awared and presented by Alansson Sample [6], took a similar direction of turning the properties of bad tag performance under certain conditions into a benefit for sensing a specific phenomenon. He made use of the fact that users touching a dipole antenna of an RFID tag add capacity which slows down the tag's discharge behaviour. Accordingly, this effect can implement a power-free touch-based interface. Suggested applications could be powerless switches, remote controls and alike. The very same effect of changed capacity could be also applied to sense the presence of liquids with RFID tags.
Ariving in Orlando I was surprised that public transport actually was not that bad. They have buses every half hour into different directions, even an express one (golynx.com no. 111) directly to Disney. 40km for 2$ - not a bad deal. The little handsight of course, it's a little hard to find out where the buses depart and they end at the 'central ticket center' where private Disney buses take you to the hotel. When asking at the hotel where I could catch the public bus back to the airport they were really puzzled: "Public bus!? - never heared of that, you' re the first person asking for, unfortunately we don't have an affiliation with them!". This again shows that for successful logistics transportation and information have to go together...
[2] Lehtonen, M., Ruhanen, A., Michahelles, F., Fleisch, E.: Serialized TID Numbers – A Headache or a Blessing for RFID Crackers? In the IEEE RFID 2009 Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 2009.
[3] Yann Tétu, Iiro Jantunen, Bertrand Gomez, Stephanie Robinet:Mobile-phone-readable 2.45 GHz Passive Digital Sensor Tag. In the IEEE RFID 2009 Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 2009.
[4] T. Wiechert, F. Thiesse, F. Michahelles, P. Schmitt, E. Fleisch: Connecting Mobile Phones to the Internet of Things: A Discussion of Compatibility Issues between EPC and NFC, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Keystone, Colorado, USA, 2007, [PDF].
[5] Rahul Bhattacharyya, Christian Floerkemeier, Sanjay Sarma: Towards Tag Antenna Based Sensing – An RFID Displacement Sensor. In the IEEE RFID 2009 Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 2009.
[6] Alanson Sample, Daniel Yeager, Joshua Smith: A Capacitive Touch Interface for Passive RFID Tags. In the IEEE RFID 2009 Conference, Orlando, Florida, April 2009.
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