Tuesday, April 23, 2013

IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference - General Call for Workshops

IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)                  
 (Held in conjunction with the International ConsumerElectronics Show,       
 Las Vegas, January 11-14, 2014)                                             

 General Call for Workshops                                                                                            


IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, is a major annual international conference. Taking advantage of its co-location with the International CES (the world's largest tradeshow on consumer technology), CCNC is organized with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of consumer technologies. CCNC 2014 will feature high quality keynotes, plenary talks, panels, and tutorials.

The CCNC 2014 Organization Committee invites members of the research, development, and practitioner communities to submit workshop proposals.
Workshops provide a forum for people to discuss areas of special interest pertinent to consumer communications and networking with like-minded researchers and practitioners. Workshops aim at examining an area in a less formal, more open environment for the free exchange of views, and possibly in a more focused way than in the main track of the conference itself.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Communications and Signal processing for modern mobile devices.
  • Social Networking, CrowdSourcing and Participatory Sensing
  • Wearable Augmented Reality
  • Peer-to-Peer and Cloud-based Networking
  • Multimedia Networking, Services, & Applications
  • Smart Spaces & Sensor Networks
  • 3D printing
  • Personal Robotics
  • Security, Content Protection & DRM
  • Vehicular Networks
  • Green Communications & Computation
  • eHealth, Ambient Assisted Living
  • Home Energy Management
  • Telepresence & Telerobotics
  • Intelligent & Emotion-oriented Computing
  • 3D Imaging, Processing, Communications & Display
  • Innovative Multimedia Systems & Consumer Electronics
  • Information Integration & Data Analytics
  • Case studies of application deployments
  • Emerging Standardization Topics in Consumer Communications.

CCNC workshops will be organized on the first and last day of the conference (Jan 11 and Jan 14).

Proposal Format

The workshop organizers should submit a workshop proposal by May 31st 2013.
Each Workshop proposal should include:

  1. Name of workshop and proposed URL of site to host CFP, program etc.
  2. Theme of the workshop and topics of interest and how these related to the overall conference
  3. Names, affiliations,  and a short bio (up to 200 words) of the organizers
  4. Brief description (up to 1 page) of research, industry, and practitioners' topics of interest that the workshop will address
  5. Reasons why the workshop is of interest to the conference participants
  6. Audience: expected number of participants, potential program committee members
  7. Description of the publicity plan: how to attract participants and submissions
  8. Planned format: participant selection, time line, type of contributions, discussions and integration of non-presenting participants.
    •  Full-day workshops should aim for 8-9 accepted papers or invited technical talks. Half-day workshops should aim for 4-5 accepted papers or invited technical talks. Indicate the maximum length of the papers to be submitted.
    • If the workshop will include invited technical talks (i.e. presentation of a non-peer-reviewed paper ), the proposal should include a subset of invited speakers who are willing to attend and participate if the workshop is accepted.
  9.  If applicable, a description of past editions of the workshop, including: number of submitted and accepted papers, and number of attendees.
  10. A draft workshop call for papers with:
    • The names, affiliations, addresses, phone numbers and email
    • addresses of the workshop organizers, who should be experts in the related topics and preferably from multiple organizations.

All proposals and questions should be submitted to the workshop chair:
Florian Michahelles, ETH Zurich, fmichahelles@ethz.ch, subject: CCNC14 workshop.

Conference registration fees will not be waived for speakers at accepted workshops. The organizers of the accepted workshops will be responsible for paper reviewing and the workshop programs.

Workshop Proposals Due:  May 31, 2013
Acceptance Notification:    June 15, 2013
Florian Michahelles, fmichahelles@ethz.ch
CCNC 2014 Workshops Chair

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